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2 octobre 2013 3 02 /10 /octobre /2013 21:09
Adrien Lee (Présentateur radio/télé) sur Arirang

Adrien est un "Radio Host" un présentateur radio et télé de la chaine internationale Arirang. Il est franco coréen, coréen de père, français de mère. Il est né à Séoul, mais a vécu toute sa jeunesse à Paris.

On ne connait pas sa date de naissance, mais je pense qu'il doit avoir la trentaine.

Il a une soeur Yemie Lee.

Adrien présente l'émission radio Catch the wave tous les jours de 18h à 20h, KST Time (heure coréenne), mais également ShowBiz Korea, émission de télévision à 8h sur Arirang.

Catch The Wave sur Facebook


Adrien Lee est trillingue, coréen, français, anglais.


Voici les questions auxquelles il a répondu sur Arirang :

1. Name?
Adrien Lee (아드리안 리), but I also have a Korean name 이준(Lee June).

2. Where were you born?
I'm Eurasian! My father is Korean and my mother is French. I was born in Seoul, but I moved to France when I was a baby and was mainly raised in Paris.

3. How did you get into the broadcasting industry?
In December 2008, my sister convinced me to audition with her for an MC position at Arirang TV. So without any stress or pressure, I went for an interview and a camera test. A week later, I received a positive phone call from the producer of "Showbiz Korea", and that's how I started my TV career in January 2009!

In March 2011, I received a phone call from the head of Arirang Radio offering me a job as a host. I was excited but also really hesitant at first, because being a radio host requires a lot of commitment. After a few days, I finally said "Yes!" and started my very first radio show! A year later, on April 2nd, 2012, we launched "Catch the Wave"...

4. Motto in life?
'Work hard, Play harder!'

5. Dream?
Global ambassador of Korean culture!

6. Favorite Korean food?
Very hard to pick only one! I would have to say 갈비찜 (galbi jjim)
(traditional Korean beef-rib stew) because my Korean grandmother used to make it all the time when i was young. I definately recommend this dish with some rice...so delicious!

7. My favorite spot in Seoul?
I really enjoy going to the Han river banks to chill with some
friends. You can ride bikes, play sports, and even order food!
Amazing! It's also quite romantic with all the lights at night...great dating spot!

8. Favorite Kpop artists?
I like Big Bang and 2NE1 because of their charisma, their style, and their creativity!
Their music is also full of energy! For instance, I like songs like "Fire" and "Fantastic Baby".

9. Favorite K-movie/drama?
I really liked the movie 'My sassy girl' starring Jun Jihyun (Giana Jun) and Cha Taehyun. Very hilarious and touching at the same time. My sister and I used to watch it when we were younger...




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안녕하세요. Annyeong Haseyo. Bonjour !


Bienvenue sur mon blog Korea My Love. 

En 2016, me voici partie pour le pays du matin calme. 

Pendant un an (ou plus), je vais vivre à l'heure coréenne à Séoul.

Suivez donc mes aventures, et voyagez avec moi à travers ce blog !

Bon voyage !




Na?? Korea Joahaeyo !

LinLin-Aah, amoureuse de l'Asie et de la Corée du Sud. Trentenaire.

Voyagez avec moi, admirez la Corée du Sud à travers les yeux d'une passionnée.

Petit cours de Coréen

안영하세요 Annyeong Haseyo : Bonjour


프랑스 사람임니다 Peurangseu saram imnida : Je suis française


제 이름은  린린입니다. Je ireum eun LinLin imnida : Je m'appelle LinLin.


감사합니다 Kamsahamnida : Merci


괜차나 Kenchana? : ça va?


알겠습니다 Algesseumnida : Entendu/J'ai compris


천만에요 Cheonmaneyo : De rien


미안합니다 Mianhamnida : Désolée